stamford cradle to career
We Measurably Improve Outcomes for Stamford’s Youth from Cradle to Career.
Stamford Cradle to Career (SC2C) works to ensure that ALL Stamford children succeed in education, career, and life. We strive for equity and excellence for every child, from cradle to career. Stamford Cradle to Career is a community-wide partnership with more than 60 active members, aligning resources to measurably improve the lives of Stamford children. We are a member of the StriveTogether national non-profit network of nearly 70 communities that have adopted the collective impact model.At the core of Stamford Cradle to Career’s mission and work is convening community and nonprofit providers from across the city. Through our Community Action Networks, the Community Task Force, our Restorative Practices, and the Community Racial Justice Series, we connect with over 60 community partners on a regular basis.
The goal of this intentional connection is to develop relationships, share critical information and work together to address gaps, and ensure all students and families have equitable access to resources.
Stamford Cradle to Career is rooted in racial equity and is committed to finding ways to provide access to opportunities to all students and families in Stamford, regardless of their race, zip code, or income.
Stamford Cradle to Career Initiatives
Children cannot develop and learn appropriately without reliable and affordable sources of healthy nutrition.
The Achievement Gap derives from an “Opportunity Gap” that can be addressed by promoting equity in all forms and reducing biased treatment of students and their families, whether intended or unintended.
Achieving optimal levels of student attendance will lead to better academic performance and reduce destructive behavior.