stamford cradle to career
Stamford Cradle to Career is rooted in racial equity and is committed to finding ways to provide access to opportunities to all students and families in Stamford, regardless of their race, zip code, or income.
By working in partnership with a network of more than 60 nonprofit organizations, public school personnel, early childhood providers, and community members, SC2C effectively coordinates resources and activities while eliciting broad community buy-in and support. Despite difficult social and economic times, we have successfully fostered a network to leverage community partners to coordinate information and resources for Stamford children and families. This past year, SC2C was a valued partner to the City of Stamford in its COVID-19 response, a leader in promoting equity in every area they worked, and key convener of all involved in Early Childcare Initiatives in Stamford. SC2C partnered closely with StriveTogether, the national network of collective impact organizations across the country.
With an urgent focus on continued growth, SC2C is actively seeking new partnerships to continue and intensify their work. They remain committed to elevating the voices of students and families, exploring ways to better support Stamford’s Middle School students while creating greater access to individualized educational resources.
During the past year, SC2C expanded its signature initiatives:
Monitoring early childhood development through Sparkler and Ages & Stages Questionnaire
Stamford Summer Literacy Initiative
Bridge to College
Restorative Practices
They also conducted professional development for early childhood and after school providers, provided data support to Stamford Public Schools, and conducted a series of Community Racial Justice sessions in partnership with Stamford Stands Against Racism.
2022-2023 Initiatives
All children enter Kindergarten ready to learn
Currently, our 0-5 Early Childhood Community Action Network (CAN) is focused on three main areas: Screenings and Assessments, Professional Development, and Family Engagement. We have three working groups within our CAN that meet and plan the work for each area. Our intended result is that all children enter Kindergarten ready to learn.
All children read at or above grade level by the end of 3rd grade
Our early grade reading work partners with Stamford Public Schools, the Ferguson Library, and out of school providers to connect reading instruction from school to support in after school programs, summer camps, and at home. The goal is that all Stamford children will be reading at or above grade level by the end of 3rd grade.
All youth graduate high school ready for college and career
Our transition to postsecondary, college and career work engages youth development organizations, Stamford Public Schools, youth, and community members to ensure students have the skills, opportunities, and support to graduate high school prepared for the future and with a plan for their next step. Our goal is that students begin a career path that allows them to support themselves.
The StriveTogether national model is focused on educational equity through the lens of race. We have learned that how we invest our human resources and capital reflect our values. We take a systems level approach when working with children and families by collaboratively working with partners in the community to increase access and resources for traditionally underserved families and students, particularly families and student of color.
To create systems change means to focus on the root causes of the inequity in our systems, one of which is racial inequity. As our mission is to ensure educational excellence and equity for all children in Stamford; helping to understand, raise consciousness and dismantle racism is the foundation of our work. We created our Racial Equity Statement, which has measurable outcomes, to publicly share with transparency our commitment to racial equity.