Financial stability
We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to afford basic necessities and save for a brighter future.
We invest in programs that put dollars back into the pockets of hard-working people while helping them manage their money on a limited budget.
According to the 2023 CT ALICE Report, more than one-third of CT households are without any financial cushion and do not have enough income to cover current and unexpected expenses. Whether it is an appliance that breaks down, a major car repair, a difficult domestic situation, or job loss, we understand that sometimes people face financial crises that are beyond their control.
Impact Through Partner Funding
Nina moved to Danbury from New York to raise her teenage daughter in a safer environment. She had no savings and a low credit score, therefore she had no options to purchase a vehicle leading her to walk or secure rides to work. The Family Loan and Financial stability program worked with Nina on her finances and wrote up a monthly budget. Over the next two months, Nina was able to show a regular balance in her checking account. She then got approved for a car loan with the Family loan program. She was so happy she broke down in tears that she would soon have accomplished her dream to have her own car. Making monthly payments helps families with poor credit repair and increase their credit scores. Our program provides knowledge to change lives and accomplish dreams one client at a time.
— Catholic Charities of Fairfield County, Recipient of United Way Grant