Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
we are commited to diversity, equity, and inclusion as core operating principles for our organization
We deeply value and respect diverse cultures, perspectives, and backgrounds. We strive to have every aspect of our organization, especially our staff and board, represent the diversity of our communities, be inclusive in our practices, and leverage our differences as strengths. We create opportunities to listen to and work with people directly from the community, centering their voices and lived experiences to help shape our mission and drive our goals. We undertook key steps and initiatives in 2022-2023 to ensure that DEI was a focal point in all of our work.
The Board of Directors approved the following Anti-Racism Statement in August 2021:
United Way of Western Connecticut is committed to building our community into a place where every child, family, and person has the opportunity to thrive. We focus on households at or below the ALICE® (Asset Limited Income Constrained Employed) threshold who have had the least opportunities for success. In doing our part to uplift this population, we are active on many fronts. Today we are speaking out louder than in the past to condemn with zero tolerance acts of racism, bigotry, xenophobia, and expressions of discrimination stemming from one’s race, ethnicity, faith, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, sex, age, national origin.
We act by using our resources to tackle the structural barriers to equity from the long shadow of systemic racism that has impeded the health, education, safety, and wellbeing of many members of our society. United Way of Western Connecticut recognizes the power and privilege of our brand. As leaders in our community, we are using both to take action in being part of the solution for positive change. Therefore, we commit to:
-Transforming systems and instituting systemic changes that create a more just and equitable future.
-Requiring accountability and transparency at all levels - from our organization to all institutions with whom we partner.
-Advocating for justice and speaking up in unity and in action whenever we see justice not being served.
-Elevating the voice and power of our community.
-Learning and growing together as a community through ongoing training and conversations about race and equity.
We are committed to improving lives by partnering with the community and creating a future of greater inclusion and equity.
DEI Initiatives
In 2022-2023, we engaged in the following steps and initiatives to address and center Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion within our organization:
Hiring of full-time DEIA (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility) staff member
Established a board-level committee that is a critical driver in fostering organizational change, establishing a dedicated focus on DEIA and promoting all DEIA programming.
Assessing policies, practices, and procedures within the organization to ensure inclusive and fair treatment and opportunities for all employees, such as hiring, data collection and resource allocation
Began to evaluate and revise current Anti-Racism and Diversity statements to ensure an accurate reflection of the organization’s values
Developed a DEIA strategy
Continue to support Stamford Cradle to Career and Bridgeport Prospers which focuses on systems change and equity, as the backbone organization and began developing a 3rd collective impact organization to support the community work occurring in Danbury